Toronto RNA program
Sep 09, 2016
Eesha Sharma, PhD student
U of T, Blencowe lab
Global mapping of the human RNA-RNA interactome reveals new functions for non-coding RNAs
PGCRL Multimedia room
4:00 - 4:30PM

Sep 09, 2016
Ursula Norsi, PhD student
U of T, Cox lab
MicroRNAs promote trophoblast fate in embryonic stem cells via repression of pluripotency-associated gene regulatory network
PGCRL Multimedia room
4:30 - 5:00PM

Oct 14, 2016
Freda Miller, PhD, Senior Scientist
Hospital for Sick Children
Translating neural stem cells into neurons during mammalian brain development
PGCRL Event room 1
4:00 - 5:00PM

Nov 11, 2016
Kira Neller, PhD student
York University, Hudak lab
Characterization of the pokeweed mRNA and miRNA transcriptomes during jasmonic acid-induced plant defense.
PGCRL Event room 1
4:00 - 4:30PM

Nov 11, 2016
Raphaël Loll-Krippleber, Post-doctoral fellow
U of T, Brown lab
P-bodies regulate transcriptional rewiring during DNA replication stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
PGCRL Event room 1
4:30 - 5:00PM

Dec 09, 2016
Junjie Tony Hua, PhD. Candidate
U of T, Dep of Medical Biophysics, Hansen He Lab
Regulation and function of long noncoding RNA PCAT19 in prostate cancer
PGCRL Event room 1
4:00 - 4:30PM

Dec 09, 2016
Ana Vakiloroayaei, PhD. Candidate
U of York, Dep of Biology, Mark Bayfield Lab
The RNA chaperone La promotes pre-tRNA maturation via indiscriminate binding of both native and misfolded targets
PGCRL Event room 1
4:30 - 5:00PM

Jan 13, 2017
Kristian Baker, PhD, Associate Professor
Center for RNA Molecular Biology, Case Western Reserve University
RNA quality control - looking for nonsense, and what to do when you find it
PGCRL Event room 1
4:00 - 5:00PM

Feb 10, 2017
Gingras, Anne-Claude, PhD, Professor
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital
PGCRL Event room 1
4:00 - 5:00PM

Mar 10, 2017
Syed Nabeel-Shah, PhD candidate
U of T, Dep of Molecular Genetics, Jack Greenblatt lab
Gene expression regulation by RNA-binding of C2H2 zinc finger proteins
PGCRL Event room 1
4:00 - 4:30PM

Mar 10, 2017
Marios Mejdani, PhD candidate
U of T, Dep of Biochemistry, Alan Davidson lab
Anti-CRISPR proteins can inhibit and modify CRISPR-Cas activity
PGCRL Event room 1
4:30 - 5:00PM

Apr 21, 2017
Anjali Silva, PhD candidate
U of Guelph, Dep of Mathematics and Statistics, Dang/Rothstein lab
Multivariate Contaminated Mixture Models for Cluster Detection in RNA Sequencing Data
PGCRL Event room 1
4:00 - 4:30PM

Apr 21, 2017
Dr. Thomas Gonatopoulos Pourntzis, Post-Doctoral Fellow
U of T, Blencowe Lab
Regulation of neuronal translation and excitability through an alternative splicing network linked to autism spectrum disorders
PGCRL Event room 1
4:30 - 5:00PM

May 12, 2017
Wendy Gilbert, PhD, Professor
Department of Biology, MIT
PGCRL Event room 1
4:00 - 5:00PM

To create a scientific forum for RNA researchers and facilitate interaction between local research groups and individuals